[Tux3] structure of tux3

OGAWA Hirofumi hirofumi at mail.parknet.co.jp
Fri Dec 12 12:25:10 PST 2008

"dmitri asimov" <dmitri.asimov at gmail.com> writes:

> I have tried going through the structure of tux3. Can anyone point me how to
> figure out the structure? where do i start?
> I tried some links of the tux3 structure figure by hirofumi. but im getting a
> 404 error recently. any hints?


Can you retry? Well, it can make by the following.

	$ cd tux3/usr
	$ dd if=/dev/zero of=datafile bs=1M count=0 seek=50
        $ ./tux3 mkfs datafile
        $ ./tux3graph -v datafile
        $ dot -Tsvg datafile.dot > datafile.svg
        $ <svg viewer> datafile.svg
OGAWA Hirofumi <hirofumi at mail.parknet.co.jp>

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