[Tux3] Current Activities?

OGAWA Hirofumi hirofumi at mail.parknet.co.jp
Mon Aug 10 07:19:05 PDT 2009

Theodore Tso <tytso at mit.edu> writes:

> If the goal is to find corporate sponsorship for Tux3, I'd strongly
> encourage you to think harder about a compelling story for why Tux3 is
> so cool that companies should spend money supporting it.  Let me
> gently suggest to you that "it'll have fewer features than btrfs, but
> it will use less memory" is not a particularly compelling story to a
> company's technical and management leadership who is figure out
> spending priorities for next year's budget.  Particularly if the cell
> phone is going to have megabytes of memory to run Java on it anyway;
> and even if it's not running Java, have you seen how much space
> graphical libraries take up these days?  :-)
> Again, I'm not saying this to discourage technical people from working
> on Tux3.  But just because you're passionate about a technology,
> doesn't mean that it automatically translate to there being a business
> case to convince companies to invest in that technology.

About sponsorship, I guess Daniel just worried about me. But, it's not
argument on lkml. So, let's stop argument about sponsorship.

OGAWA Hirofumi <hirofumi at mail.parknet.co.jp>

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