[Tux3] Current Activities?

Daniel Phillips phillips at phunq.net
Thu Apr 30 20:49:26 PDT 2009

On Wednesday 29 April 2009, t3right.thebashar at xoxy.net wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I want to apologize upfront if I sound like one of those "when will it
> be done" questions that are best left unasked with most open source
> projects.  Actually, I'm just really curious about what's been going
> on lately.  I am somewhat embarrassed to admit that I became
> fascinated with tux3's development since the first time it was
> featured in an article on kerneltrap.  I've greatly enjoyed reading
> your design notes and dialog with the btrfs team.  I had no naive
> hopes that tux3 would get integrated into the linux kernel
> immediately, but I've been extremely surprised at the loss of public
> progress notes from you after the initial review request back and
> forth died off.  In fact it seems like there's only been 7 postings
> from you in the month since the last kernel merge related thread.
> I've really missed the public view into tux3's progress.  If it's not
> too presumptuous, how are you? How's tux3 coming along?  What part of
> the kernel port is taking the bulk of the work?  What new and
> interesting challenges have you been wrestling with?

Actually, I have been busy with real life for the last couple
of months.  An interesting challenge is how I can keep up the
previous development without any corporate support.  Zero.  Zip.
Nada.  There has been exactly zero support from the usual
suspects, who all have their own good reasons no doubt, which
do not necessarily have much to do with the good of the Linux
kernel or the Linux community.

That challenge is being addressed.  Addressing it takes time and
energy.  Development progress continues, though perhaps not as
visible as it was earlier.  Being that visible takes a lot of time.
The Tux3 watcher community could help a lot there.  For example,
there is a large volume of technical material posted by me and
others, that needs to be organized into a coherent form.  I simply
don't have time to do that myself.  There are a bunch of projects
like that.

I also need more response to my occasional calls for volunteers.
How many list readers have downloaded the code and run it?  You
can in fact boot to a root fileystem with it.  How many besides
me and Hirofumi have done that?

Anyway, Andrew Morton was right, we should have merged into
mainline as soon as Tux3 was booting as root.  That would have
taken a big load off me.  Instead, somebody posted to LKML and
called for atomic commit as a precondition for merging.  Sounds
like a good idea, sounds logical.  But actually, in open source
it is counter productive, it just puts a bigger load on me, a
limited resource.  We should have merged first, then got the
logging and replay working.  In fact, we probably should still do
that.  I will say this now: if we are invited to merge in the
next major release, or in -mm or whatever, we will happily do it.
If we are not invited to merge, nobody has any cause to complain
about progress slowing down.

Anyway, now would be a good time to have a discussion here on the
Tux3 list about what can be done to get more helping hands
involved in the heavy lifting.



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